Last updated: March 15, 2025
By using our file hosting service, you agree to comply with these Terms of Service and all applicable laws and regulations. Our service is intended for lawful purposes only.
The following types of content are strictly prohibited from being uploaded, stored, or distributed through our service:
Any content depicting minors engaged in sexually explicit conduct or any content that sexualizes minors.
Unauthorized copies of copyrighted works including software, movies, music, games, books, or other media.
Classified, confidential, or restricted government documents or information not intended for public distribution.
Viruses, malware, spyware, ransomware, or any code designed to damage, disrupt, or gain unauthorized access to systems.
Unauthorized collections of personal data, financial information, passwords, or similar sensitive information.
Content depicting extreme violence, torture, or gore.
Materials promoting terrorism, extremist ideologies, or instructions for creating weapons or explosives.
Content that promotes, encourages, or facilitates illegal activities of any kind.
Our service employs automated systems that continuously scan all uploaded files to detect prohibited content. These systems include:
Any prohibited content will be immediately deleted upon detection without notice. While our service does not require user accounts, in cases where required by law or legal process, we may provide your IP address and uploaded files to law enforcement authorities. This will only be done if we are legally obligated to do so.
You are solely responsible for the content you upload to our service. By uploading files, you confirm that:
We retain minimal information necessary to provide our service. This includes file identifiers, file names, and optional password hashes. We do not inspect the contents of your files beyond automated scanning for prohibited content.
For more information on how we handle your data, please see our Privacy Policy.
We reserve the right to:
If you encounter any content that appears to violate these Terms of Service, please report it immediately to our support team. Include the file ID and a brief description of the violation.
You can reach us via our email: [email protected]